Why Dirt?
Before the clean, there is the dirt. And that’s where we come in.
In 2016 the cleaning industry was a mess. Single use plastic bottles. Loud and unpleasant designs. Synthetic ingredients. Harsh chemicals.
We wanted to make it better - clean it up. So that’s where we started.
With the dirt.
Welcome to The Dirt Company.

Sustainability nerd, a bit of a grub and CEO of a detergent company that's championing a new kind of clean. You can read her story here.

Co-Founder, Kiwi technology guy and resident eternal optimist, in charge of keeping the whole internet running smoothly - or something.

Making sure your laundry detergent is always available at the speed of light, Nick is our production and operations manager, and Basil's best friend.

Luke is our General Manager, but also our head of waste. He can reluctantly be found at his desk doing business things, but mostly, he's refill returnin' his days away.

As our Marketing Assistant, Ellis is the one bringing you the fun marketing monthly emails, the social media content and all the bells and whistles we can dream up.

Jess is production perfection. In Jess's spare time, they are studying design so it's fair to say that no detail goes unnoticed by Jess. That's why your products are always looking perfectly polished.

Anna looks after our community in customer service AND our Refill Return processing. She is master of everything and a little pocket of sunshine.

Chief of Barketing, Basil is mostly just responsible for food waste (making sure we've got none), and providing us with pats and cuddles. Perhaps the most important job of all.

Resident tall man, sports fanatic and all rounder; Fionn is resonsible for getting your orders dispatched without delay to the background tune of whichever sport is currently live.

Also known as the most productive man in production, Charlie doesn't mess about when it comes to delivering you your detergent.

Jerry is our in-house job-trepreneur. Starting in dispatch, moving to customer service and dabbling in sales, there really is nothing Jezaulenko is not willing to master.

Our Refill Return champion Alister processes hundred upon hundreds of refill packs every week. In his spare time, he can be found working his moves in the piste.

It’s laundry, but not as you know it.
Our ingredients are the healthy choice for your clothes, your home, and the planet.
Our products contain nothing unnecessary, like excess water or bubbling agents that are designed to make you feel like you’re getting more value, when in reality, the opposite is true.
Our packaging is minimised both with recyclable materials and a clean design aesthetic, fitting into your space rather than dominating it.
Our entire future depends on our ability to keep our foundational ecosystems happy and healthy. Our company is determined to bring you the products you want, while doing less harm along the way.