Designed for Impact
There are four principles that allow us to make pure and powerful products and keep thousands of tonnes of plastic from being manufactured in the process.

Refuse the worst first.
We have turned our nose up at everything that is truly unsustainable. From plastic packaging, through to harmful and unnecessary ingredients.
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We started with plastic. Plastic, once created, will always exist.
It is never Recycled, 9% of the time it is downcycled to become something else that requires less durability, or mixed with virgin (new) plastic for strength. The other 91% of the time it is discarded to break down into microplastics.
We have replaced plastic jugs and containers with beautiful, sleek glass bottles. We’ve adjusted the height and radius of the corners, and added silicone bumper protectors to ensure you can’t easily break your bottle.
Glass is the least reactive material you can use to make packaging. It wont leach like plastic, and it wont degrade at the same pace as Aluminium. It's truly safe for your household for as long as you want to keep it.
If you do decide that you need to recycle it, in Australia it is 4 times more likely processed than any form of plastic. And if, and when it breaks down, it will turn back into sand via selective abrasion.
We have also stripped out unnecessary and harmful ingredients. We use plant based and organic active cleaning ingredients. Our formulas are 99% natural.

Reduce to only the essentials.
We’ve stripped back all the unnecessary in our products. Minimising waste through design and maximising performance via formulation.
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We only make formulas that are ultra concentrated.This means we have the absolute minimum amount of water possible in a liquid formula (an average liquid detergent will recommend 60ml for a wash, we recommend 17.5ml). And we provide you with a pump to measure your dose so that you don’t accidentally use more than you need.
This keeps your carbon footprint and your packaging quantity to a minimum.
We use refill packs, now made from approximately 40% post industrial waste to replenish your laundry detergent stores. Through life-cycle analysis, we have identified this as the lowest impact solution to keeping your clothes clean.
Our boxes, made from at least 65% recycled materials have been engineered to maximise space efficiency in the post. While this is a constant work in progress, we pride ourselves on our ability to iterate quickly as our bundles change in size and make-up.

Reuse everything possible.
Through an initiative we call our Refill, Return program, we take back our refill packs sanitise them, and refill them to be sent back to our customers.
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We reuse all our packaging.
Through an initiative we call our Refill, Return program, we take back our refill packs (at our own expense), sanitise them, and refill them to be sentout again.
When you purchase with us, you are automatically enrolled in the program.
Every third order, we will send you a reply paid envelope that you can fill up with your empties and return by dropping them in a red post box.
Our initiative has seen hundred's of thousands of packs do more than one delivery.
In fact, 35% of all packs that leave our warehouse are not brand new.
At present, we know our refills can easily handle four deliveries. Time will tell if they can do more.

Recycle the little that remains.
There’s some waste we can’t avoid. But we can avoid sending it to landfill, and we have, meaning we are able to take responsibility for every little bit of waste we create.
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We recycle what we can.
At some point the well-travelled refill pack doesn’t pass quality control at the warehouse because it’s lost some of its durability. This pack is retired from being refilled.
We used to send it to TerraCycle, but we didn’t love that because we had no real control over what was happening to it.
It took us two years to figure it out, but we’ve finally worked out how to recycle it ourselves.
We melt the packs, spout, lid and all. The melted plastic is then remolded into its new incarnation: a 100% recycled scoop for our machine wash.
Once a pack, and now a useful scoop, it awaits it’s next and final trip to the laundry of one of our wonderful customers, to be used and be useful over and over again.
Quite a different story compared to the single-use jugs you used to lug home from the supermarket, don’t you think?

Take care of the detail.
We monitor and minimise our impact beyond just the products we sell.
All our packages are fulfilled using shredded cardboard waste. All our soft plastics are recycled via Reground. All our palettes are reused and part of a closed loop systems.
When it comes to warehouse operations, we take every opportunity to close the loop.
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Our Warehouse operations are also closed loop.
Measuring and reducing impact in manufacturing is particularly challenging - especially when you're working across a supply chain with a huge variety of regulations.
We take steps to ensure that we're dealing with this as best we can - it's one major advantage we have as a vertical business (we don't outsource making our products to 'toll manufacturers').
We reuse all our cardboard waste, as padding for all our parcels.
This includes boxes that unfilled packaging comes in, boxes that we receive parcels in, and boxes that have printing errors.
It is a legal requirement to wrap palettes that are being transported, well.
For this, we use The Great Wrap palette wrap, made from food waste.
We send all incoming palette wrap to Reground (a paid service), who we trust to really recycle it.
We use Chep Pallets to move our stock. These are effectively 'on loan', meaning they send them to us and take them back on a demand basis.
It means we never have palette waste, and we're held accountable for taking care of them.
Returning your refills in three easy steps:
1. Refill
Order a dispenser bottle, designed to last a lifetime (these come full).
2. Return
Return your refill packs for reuse. Simply purchase a reply paid envelope along with your standard order of refills - and they'll be sent straight back to us.
3. Reuse
Order as normal. Whether or not you receive a returned refill depends on our stock levels of that specific product. Currently, about 35% of refill packs going out are reused.
“Never think that a small group of committed people can’t change the world. It is in fact the only thing that ever has.”
- Margaret Mead