2021 is well underway, but there's a good chance today is the day you feel like you're getting back into swing of the year - establishing your routine and deciding how you're going to live your best, most planet friendly life. 

In case we're right, we've decided to give you a helping hand by collecting our team's top tips for good human living in 2021. 

Start with your digital footprint. 

Firstly, tell all your major providers that you no longer want a physical invoice to remind you about all the money you owe. Email is better. 

Secondly, go through all your old photos, emails and documents - and delete everything you no longer need if your life. Your digital footprint also comes with carbon emissions, so the smaller it is, the better you are doing as a planetarian. 

Look for reusables. 

Wax food-wraps, or silicone bags are great alternatives in the kitchen.
Cloth makeup wipes, or a Safety Razor in the bathroom. Reusable cloth nappies if you have a little tyke. Steel pegs that won't break for the laundry. Period undies / cups (we prefer cups) if you have a uterus. You get the gist - try not to throw so much away. 

Some of our favourites: 

~ Kappi, Seed & Sprout for reusable kitchenware and bathroom, Modibodi or TOM organic for period cups, Ecoriginals for cloth nappies, LastObject for bathroom reusables.


Before winter this year take your boots to a cobbler, picking them up IS a new shoe experience, but at a fraction of the cost (in every sense of the word). 

Go through your wardrobe and pull out all the things that you don't wear because they are stained or torn. Spend a day spiffing them up by treating them, and or taking them to your local tailor to fix up. Again, you'll be amazed at satisfying it is. 

Buy solid or refillable toiletries. 

Make the swap to solid soaps and haircare. You'll find there's likely something out there for every need you have. We're talking shampoo, conditioner, make-up, body wash, hand soap, dish soap - we could go on.

Opt for refillable cleaning products. Some companies sell pouches like us to refill a dispenser, but you'll also find quite a few physical stores that will let you fill your container up with things like olive oil, cleaning liquid, shampoo etc. 

We're a fan of: Nuebar, Itsallfluff , Soap Club, and Ethique. We can't pick a favourite because each of us have wildly different preferences. 

Buy low-waste local, without leaving your house 

Ceres Fair Food, one of our Melbourne stockists delivers locally grown farmers boxes, weekly. The fruit and veg is not wrapped, and it comes in a cardboard box that can be reused. A quick google tells us that most states have something similar, ie. Box Fresh in Sydney and Ripe N Raw in Brisbane. 

One last thing. We know you don't need to be told to buy a Keep Cup because this is not 2016, but in case you do need to get new reusable coffee mug, PLEASE buy this one by Kinto. We're yet to find anything better. 


Gosha Wirya